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“Reimagine learning” marketing site
Close detailsMaketing site based on a brochure for a SaaS learning experience platform.
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Recipe webpage
Close detailsAn illustrative design concept for a recipe webpage.
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Colorful Multibuttons
Close detailsA fun, interactive multibutton. People seem to really like this one - it was unexpectedly featured on CodePen.
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Close detailsThere was a time someone discovered you can buy emoji domains, so I bought one. I didn’t know what to do with it, so I let it sit unused for a couple of years. Then I made a CSS octopus that became my first featured pen on CodePen. I figured, might as well put that domain to use.
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LXP User Profile
Close detailsUser profile prototype for a learning experience platform.
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Shopping webpage
Close detailsA CSS exercise using extremes such as vibrant (or obnoxious?) colors and animated elements.
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some pandemic huh
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Something I threw together at the start of the shut downs due to the pandemic.
I experimented generating colors, patterns and rotations on letters to make it resemble paper cutouts or refridgerator magnets.
Also unexpectedly featured on CodePen (and in the Spark newsletter!)

LXP Media & Content Player
Close detailsPrototype of a structured learning content player for a learning experience platform. This was implemented for the product.
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LXP Adminstrator Catalog Manager
Close detailsPrototype of a catalog search for administators of the learning experience platform.
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Close detailsI have a habit of buying silly domain names that I like, especially with the new TLDs that have released in the past couple of years. I’m using the GIPHY API to generate random Halloween-related GIFs.
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Hello there!
Here are a few things about me.
I’m a frontend developer.
CSS is my passion, but I’m handy in JavaScript as well.
I’ve worked from creating simple widgets for a webpage, to building robust single-page applications.
I’ve even overhauled SaaS applications to make it look like something it’s not and making it do things it couldn’t do before.
I have a design background.
I’ve created designs from simple interfaces to designing templates for complex information.
I’ve also consulted on user experience and engagement (namely for a certain platform).
I like solving problems.
I enjoy working with complex data. I’ve worked with other designers, architects and developers to guide and implement solutions.
I’m mild-mannered, maybe a little quiet, but all the more to listen and absorb tasks at hand.
I’m not about going in and tearing things down. It’s about making things better and improving myself and others.